Independent start-up Entertainment Intelligence (Ei) is changing the way the music industry collects, views and utilises it’s data. Ei promises to gather, clean and categorise data across your music sales, playlists and social platforms to give you a better insight on how your music is actually performing online.

EI’s playlist tracking app is in beta testing at the moment, and shall soon be available to rights-holders as a stand-alone service, or as part of a suite of tools that can be integrated with a clients’ existing systems.

The app can show you how your music is performing across platforms/vendors (Spotify, Apple Music etc.) and break it down by curator, followers, territory, device and listener demographics.

“We’re building tools that will take your data, clean it and present it in a way that allows all stakeholders in the artist ecosystem to make informed decisions. At EI we understand the actionable insights people need,” said Sammy Andrews, director of Entertainment Intelligence.

So what does this mean to you as an indie artist or label? The information you get from how your music performs gives you a much needed insight in where to focus your marketing energy. If you notice that a certain territory is picking up your music more than others then it its probably worth spending more of your Facebook advertising budget on that territory for example.

Are you seeing that your Instagram posts are feeding more people to your music than your twitter, then maybe its time to invest in a photographer to go on the road with you.

Considering a tour outside of your home country? The data that Ei can provide can give you a better insight into which countries and cities your music is most popular in, giving you a better idea of where to go on tour.

The examples go on and on, but simply put, data will become your best friend and Entertainment Intelligence can become your perfect companion. Sign up now right her and say hello to the future!