The mature sound of Anna Rune makes it hard to believe that this Belgian singer songwriter actually just started her career in music. She played this wonderful session together with her three band members and Rockstone Sessions gratefully captured it. In a way the sessions she performed are quite historic. This is because the grand piano played by Anna Rune carries a heartbreaking story. The piano has been made in 1922 and it used to be owned by a woman who played concerts with it. During the war she did something that wasn’t appreciated by the Germans and she got punished brutally. Her fingers got injected with some kind of fluid and as a result she could never play again. Since then, the piano has only been used for teaching. Anna Rune is the first to perform beautiful songs on it again. Witness the moment and check out this version of You long And I Crave and The Trip. Want to find out more about her? Click here to see the interview she had with Nadja.

Camera: Michael Boulas
Sound: Patrick Rietvelt
Edit: Patrick Rietvelt
Location: Piano Studio Jan Guurink

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